Turn a Child's Drawing into Appliqué
My 7-year-old nephew didn’t know it, but he designed an applique pattern.
He’s learning to draw, and of course he draws super heroes. He was so proud of this drawing of the DC hero Robin that I decided to surprise him by turning his drawing into an applique pillow.
Any simple drawing can be turned into an applique pattern. Here's how:
- Print the pattern full-size. Print onto multiple sheets and tape together if necessary.
- Outline the important outlines with a permanent marker.
- Turn the paper over – you’ll work with the reverse design. Make sure the outlines are what you want you applique to look like. Label the colors in the reverse design.
- Use the reverse design to trace the shapes onto the paper side of a lightweight fusible non-woven interfacing such as Heat & Bond lite. Think of where your fabrics will touch, and give yourself a little extra so they can overlap.
- Fuse the grainy side of the fusible interfacing to the wrong side of your fabrics, and cut on the lines.
- Trace your original design (not the reverse) onto a clear sheet of template plastic.
- Remove the paper backing from the fusible interfacing and lay your fabrics in place on your background fabric. Use the design on the template plastic (the original design, not the reverse!) to make sure your fabrics go in the right place.
- Fuse in place.
- Use a tight zig-zag stitch with matching threads to stitch your pieces in place.
- Now you can use this applique to create a pillow – or work it into a quilt.
- Knock your nephew’s socks off!
Want more? Watch me make this pillow live on Facebook:
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