What Memory Quilts are Made Of
What Makes a Memory?
When we think of memory quilts, we often think of photos of our favorite moments from the past.
For me, a lot of memories are tied to the cameras that took the photos. I grew up during a time before smart phones. Cameras then had unique shapes and were instantly recognizable.
When I was little, my parents had a Minolta with a big flash attached to the top. I knew my dad brought it out to capture special moments. Seeing the camera emerge was a trigger to my child brain that this was a happy time we wanted to remember forever. Smiling up at my dad with that Minolta in front of his face made me feel happy and loved.
The Details of a Memory
While it's easy to remember the big picture of an event (the Christmas my mom surprised us with homemade Cabbage Patch dolls), the small details are easy to forget. And those small details are what help me remember the feeling of the moment. Seeing my brother, so small next to his doll, brings back the squeak in his voice during that time. We loved playing with those dolls together.
Seeing the picture of my sister and me on horseback in my grandparents' yard reminds me of my grandma's flower garden with all the hummingbirds. One year for July 4th she lilt sparklers for us to wave around. Every time we visited, she had a new craft for us to make.
Becoming the Memory Keeper
In middle school, I had a few of my own cameras - the point-and-shoot kinds. This time, I was the one behind the viewfinder, calling my friends together and capturing their smiles. I brought my camera to birthday parties, school events, bike trips to the pool, and sleepovers. One afternoon I even convinced my siblings to dress up in costumes and pose in goofy ways. (I'm the one whose face you can see in the photo below.)
A Modern Memory Quilt
I designed my quilt pattern Selfie to keep all these memories in focus, by showcasing special photographs and the cameras that captured them.
Selfie is a modern throw-size memory quilt. Keep yours on the couch or hang it on a wall. Included in the Selfie pattern are no-fuss applique instructions for four different camera styles. Easily print your photos onto printable fabric and frame them with special prints and colors. You could even use pieces of clothing.
Selfie: a Modern Memory Quilt
You know a few of the stories behind my Selfie quilt. What stories will your Selfie quilt tell?
Get your copy of Selfie today.
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