Sweet Baby Peach
This baby quilt is all about the subtle details and colors. Lisa used a charm pack with soft peach and tan colors to make a quick and easy baby quilt. The squares were sewn straight, and then given setting triangles to turn them on their points and add some interest.
Quilting with loops and scallops adds to the gently playful design, while the light brown thread has a grounding effect.
That strip of tan linen around the border will be “chenilled” to give an extra bit of texture.
Want to add a bit of DIY chenille to your next quilt? Cut strips of a loose-weave fabric on the bias. It’s best if this fabric is reversible, since the back side will show too. After your quilt top is finished, lay the strips along the border seam and sew down the center of the bias strip. Leaving the edges raw will allow the strip to fray and create that nice chenille texture.
To cut on the bias, lay your fabric flat with the grainline running across the mat like you normally would. Now turn your ruler 45 degrees from the straight edge, and cut strips on this angle. ¾” or 1” are great strip widths. No need to sew these strips together – raw edges are welcome! Just overlap the edges slightly while you stitch them to the quilt.
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