Turn a Child's Drawing into Appliqué

My 7-year-old nephew didn’t know it, but he designed an applique pattern.  He’s learning to draw, and of course he draws super heroes. He was so proud of this drawing of the DC hero Robin that I decided to surprise him by turning his drawing into an applique pillow.

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A Digital Quilt Show

Over the last 14 years as a professional long arm quilter, I’ve helped my clients finish over 1500 quilts. Each quilt has its own personality, its own beauty, and its own story. As much as each carefully-handmade quilt wants a good home, they also want to be shown off. I know this because the quilts tell me.

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Quilting on the Brain

Quilting changes the way my brain works. After an afternoon of quilting last week, I was noticing beauty everywhere. A dusty path disappearing into the hills, bright flowers on long stems, the wag of a dog's tail. It turns out, this phenomenon is a real thing.

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The Joy of Hard Work

My six-year-old son started his first basketball clinic. In true 'mom' form, I've been preaching the importance of practicing. Even though he's picking it up quickly, I want him to take that natural ability and strengthen it. 

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The Perfect Batting for your Quilt

When you hire me as your long arm quilter, you have batting options! Chat with me to see which premium batting will bring out the best in your quilt. Also inside, downloadable Quilt Care cards.

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